Paid for by Nick Lamothe and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

It seems to me that We-The-People have simply given our sovereignty away.
How is that possible, you may ask?

I believe there are two main reasons that have contributed to this situation.

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We do not give enough financial support to the candidates who stand for the values and principles of our founding fathers.

Instead, we let the billionaires, big industries, special interest groups, and Hollywood elites, flood the elections with huge amounts of money so they can get their candidate elected. Once elected, these candidates end up representing the interest of the donors instead of representing the voters who elect them.

This has led to corruption and lawlessness all the way up to the highest levels of our government.


There are too many American citizens in this nation who do not vote.

Large groups of people across the country are not voting. Gun owners, religious groups, and people who might think their vote does not count because of cheating and the lack of voter integrity. Often, elections are decided by less than 30% of registered voters.

When we don’t vote, we are letting our sovereignty slip away.

Because of the inaction of We-The-People, we now have a nation that has:

out of control borrowing,
out of control spending,
out of control debt,
out of control taxes,
out of control inflation,
out of control government corruption,
out of control government tyranny,
out of control government anarchy,
out of control border invasion,
out of control drug cartels,

out of control drug gangs,
out of control drug violence,
out of control deaths from fentanyl,
out of control child sex trafficking,
out of control crime in our cities,
out of control prosecutors,
out of control judges,
out of control governors and mayors,
out of control homelessness
and out of control lawless elections.

Despite this lawlessness and the current state of our nation, I believe we can take our sovereignty back with one dollar.

That’s right one dollar.

I believe there are One Hundred Million people in this nation who do not want to give up their rights and freedoms or let our nation be taken over by the children of wickedness, the Chinese Communist Patry, or the global elites. But would rather join together to change the direction of this country, by voting for Donald J. Trump for president.

If all One Hundred Million of us donated one dollar a month to the Trump campaign, we could collectively raise

$100,000,000.00 a month

for the former President using what I call the lottery effect.

This is how we can effectively fight back against the big money donors. If a donor wants to give thirty-five or fifty million dollars to a candidate, that donor only gets one vote. When one hundred million people donate one dollar a month to a candidate, they also only get one vote. In this instance their favored candidate would get one hundred million votes. It’s like winning the lottery twice!

This simple idea empowers even the youngest voters to be able to monetarily support a candidate even if they are among the lowest income earners. One dollar a month is realistically feasible. Likewise, any voter on a limited income could reasonably find a dollar a month to donate. All of us from the youngest to the oldest can be an active participant in restoring our nation’s sovereignty.

Raising $100,000,000.00 a month through the end of the election cycle will strengthen President Trump’s chances of being elected. We should also donate to his campaign in November and December to make sure there is enough money available after the election is over, to cover any potential court costs or election challenges.

More importantly, if we want to take our sovereignty back, we have to go to the polls and vote!

Knowing that if each of us are giving a dollar a month to the Trump campaign, the likelihood of remembering to take the time to vote during the election will be very high. However, we will still need to help those that may have an issue with getting to the polls. We need to remind each other when it is time to vote. And to go out of our way to make sure everyone we know has every opportunity available to be able turn in their ballots and vote.

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This nation and its current administration has gone out of its way to destroy the middle class and small business owners. They have moved 90% of all the wealth in this country to the top 10% of the wealthiest among us. Driving out the small business in favor of monopolies, business cartels, and big tech oligarchs.

It is time for us to stand against this trend in the economy. If at least four million of us would donate twenty-five dollars a month to the Trump Campaign, we can raise an additional $100,000,000.00 a month to aid Donald Trump in his fight to win the presidency.

Our Nation’s independence was won because our founding fathers pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

Today, we can pledge to each other to take the time out of our busy lives to vote in our election process, to donate at least one dollar a month of our fortunes to our presidential nominee and pledge our sacred honor and personal moral accountability to each other and our Creator as we stand together and fight for the values and principles of our beloved republic.

Our sovereignty rests in the hands of every American Citizen in this nation.

For this to work we are going to need everyone to be involved. We need moms and dads, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren and great grandchildren, friends and neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances. Each of us donating at least a dollar a month and voting.

If you have already donated to the Trump campaign, I challenge you to donate another one dollar a month through the end of the year so we can continually reach our monthly donation goal.

If you are thinking of donating more than one dollar, I would ask that you divide your total donation by the remaining months of the year and make it a recurring donation. If We
If We Stand Together, We Will Win Together!


Renew Our American Sovereignty

Be involved! Donate Today! Exercise Your Sovereignty! Vote!

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Share this concept and idea with everyone you know. Let President Trump know he can count on us!

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Paid for by Nick Lamothe and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Illustrations  or  graphics used on this site are for the sole purpose of story telling and are not endorsed by any candidate or candidate’s committee.